At Greencraft we manufacture a range of quality Garden Lights, cast in LM6 Aluminium, including spike lights, bollards, under-water, and ground lights. Download Catalogue. While we are a designer and manufacturer of custom luminaires, we have a stocking programme for two particular fittings in this standard range of Garden Lights coming in a Textured Black Epoxy Coat Finish. We can do special colours at an extra-charge in our in-house epoxy (powder coating) plant. The two fittings kept in stock are:

SS2201 These are quality 220V Spike Lights with two holes for 20mm glands.This takes a GU10 LED or Halogen Lamp that we can supply. In this way you can daisy chain your spikes in a row, terminating with the acorn of each fitting. At the end you can put a stop. Both glands and stops can be purchased from us.

The optional anti-glare feature depicted on the 12V model below is also available for this 220V model.

SS2201Click For Bigger Image

SS1101 This is a quality 12V Spike Light with one hole for a 20mm gland. This takes a MR16 LED or Halogen Lamp.This model requires an external driver. You can provide your own driver/lamps, or we can supply them. We can also wire up kits. The photo shows the fitting with an optional extra of a anti-glare shield.

SS1101Click For Bigger Image

In addition to the above and the complete range of spike lights, bollards, under-water, and ground light fittings we can customize the range. We mix, match and blend these cast aluminium components with other components including our spinnings (cups) that we fabricate for our custom luminaires.

In order to Download a complete range of Garden Lights Click Here. For availability and prices please Contact Us.